Hypertension Management Software (HMS)
HMS, analyzes and interprets the blood pressure readings collected by the ABP monitor. This software is user-friendly and is customizable for configuration, analysis, interpretation and reporting of ABPM studies.
Never has a successful Hypertension Management been so easy! Screening, Diagnostics and Follow-Up combined in a single software for an overall successful Hypertension Management. Use the versatile HMS with clear graphs for a sustainable and successful therapy!

- Increased acceptance: AF-Logic avoids overpressure to the cuff
- Individual protocols according to patient’s daily routine
- Secure connection prevents a drop out over night ensuring a complete 24h protocol
- Automatic repeat if a pre-programmed measurement fails guarantees a complete cycle
Physicians & Practices:
- Wide range of capabilities from ABPM to PWA
- Clear automatic reports for ease of use
- Dependable data allows for the best medical decisions
- Digital files facilitate documentation
Includes Standard BP Software, Mobil-O-Graph Recorder, and Small, Medium, and Large Cuff
Software Options:
Central Blood Pressure License-CBP is the Pressure in the ascednding aorta, just outside the scending aorta
Pulse Wave Velocity-PWV describes the speed at which the pressure wave emitted by the left ventricle runs via the vascular tree to the periphery. The aterial stiffness is qunatified using aortal pulse wave velocity (PWV) m/s as a measuring unit.