PulmoGuard MG Filters for Med Graphics Prevent

List Price $100.00
Sale Price $95.00
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PulmoGuard MG™ Filters for MedGraphics® with PreVent®

PreventÒ and MedGraphicsÒ are registered trademarks of Medical Graphics Corporation.

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During a Pulmonary Function Test, bacteria and viruses can be expelled, posing serious risk to patients and health care workers alike. With a cross-contamination efficiency of 99.999%, Pulmoguard is safe, highly efficient…and very affordable.

PulmoGuard MG™ Features

  • Meets ATS air resistance standards
  • Features dead volume of less than 70ml
  • Pleated media for better functionality
  • Compact, non-intimidating design
  • Transparent for easy, 100% visual inspection
  • Recyclable

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