SpiroDoc Spirometer with Pulse Oximetry by MIR, Inc.

List Price $2,150.00
Our Price $2,095.00
Sale Price $1,900.00
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Spirometer + Pulse Oximeter

The SpiroDoc is available in with Pulse Oximtery here in the USA.

The Spirodoc features a responsive Touch Screen for easy data input. You can use your finger or a stylus to input data. The back-lit screen is easy to see (please check our photos) and the instrument is comfortable to hold becasue of it's size. When you use the SpiroDoc it is almost like holding an i-phone©, small and sleek, yet well-constructed.

Spirometry Features:

Pre/Post FVC, VC, IVC, & MVV. The Spirodoc® automatically records all trials, and features advanced spirometry test interpretation. There is also an internal temperature sensor for automatic BTPS conversion.

The Spirodoc features Touch Screen for easy data input.

Uses MIR’s FlowMIR turbines for cross contamination-free testing

Interfaces with MIR Spiro software and includes a 12-month subscription.

As with all MIR devices, free firmware updates are available through Spirometry.com.

The user can select advanced parameters for a specialist, Simplified for a primary care physician for screening purposes, and one-touch activation for home-care monitoring.

Spirometer Technical Specifications

  • Flow sensor: bi-directional digital turbine
  • Flow range ±16 L/s
  • Volume accuracy: ±3% or 50mL, whichever is greater
  • Flow accuracy: ± 5 % or 200mL/s, whichever is greater
  • Dynamic resistance at 12 L/s: <0.5cmH20/L/s
  • Temperature sensor: semiconductor (0-45ºC)
  • Measured parameters: FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC%, FEV3. FEV3/FVC%. FEV6, FEV1/FVC, PEF, FEF25%, FEF50%, FEF75%, FEF25-75%, FET, Estimated Lung Age (ELA), Extr. Vol, FIVC, FIV1, FIV1/FIVC%, PIF, VC, IVC, ERV, FEV1/VC%, VT, VE, Rf, ti, te, ti/t-tot, VT/ti, MVV measured, MVV calculated

Pulse Oximeter Specifications


Central unit technical specifications

Display: LCD Backlit Touch screen Display:
Resolution: 128x64 pixels
Power supply: Lithium ion 3.7V, 1100mA rechargeable
battery with 30 hours measurement back-up
Data transmission: USB 2.0 (Bluetooth® optional)
Dimensions and weight:
central unit 101x48x16mm, 99g
removable turbine head: 46x47x24mm, 17g
Battery charger (optional): 100VAC - 240VAC, 50Hz-60Hz
output 5VDC, 500mA, micro USB type B

Standard Pulse Oximeter measurement Parameters
SpO2 [Baseline, Min, Max, Mean], Pulse rate [Baseline,
Min, Max, Mean], T90% [SpO2<90%], T89% [SpO2<89%],
T88% [SpO2<88%], T5% [ΔSpO2>5%], ΔIndex [12s],
SpO2 Events, Pulse rate events [Bradycardia, Tachycardia],
Recording time, Analysis time

6 Minute Walk Test (6MWT) Specific ParametersWT (6 Minute Walk Test specific parameters)

Distance walked, Predicted distance [Min, Standard], TΔ2%

[SpO2≥2%], TΔ4% [ΔSpO2≥4%], Time [Rest, Walking,
Recovery], Desaturation Area/Distance

Sleep Analysis Specific Parameters
SpO2 Events, Desaturation index (ODI), Desaturation [Mean
Value, Mean duration, Longest duration, Nadir Peak],
ΔSpO2 [Min Drop, Max Drop], Total Pulse Variations, Pulse
Rate Index, NOD89% [SpO2<89%; >5min], NOD4% [SpO2
Basale-4%; >5min], NOD90% [SpO2<90%; Nadir<86%; > 5min]

Optional data entry: Borg Dyspnea [Baseline, End,
Change], Borg Fatigue [Baseline, End, Change], Arterial
blood pressure [Systolic, Diastolic], Oxygen administered
SpO2 range: 0-100%
SpO2 accuracy: ±2% (50-100% SpO2)
Pulse rate range: 20-254BPM

Heart rate accuracy: ±2BPM or 2%, whichever is greater

Central unit technical specifications
Display: LCD Backlit Touch screen Display:
Resolution: 128x64 pixels
Power supply: Lithium ion 3.7V, 1100mA rechargeable
battery with 30 hours measurement back-up
Data transmission: USB 2.0 (Bluetooth® optional)
Dimensions and weight:
central unit 101x48x16mm, 99g
removable turbine head: 46x47x24mm, 17g
Battery charger (optional): 100VAC - 240VAC, 50Hz-60Hz
output 5VDC, 500mA, micro USB type B

Standard Pulse Oximeter measurement Parameters
SpO2 [Baseline, Min, Max, Mean], Pulse rate [Baseline,
Min, Max, Mean], T90% [SpO2<90%], T89% [SpO2<89%],
T88% [SpO2<88%], T5% [ΔSpO2>5%], ΔIndex [12s],
SpO2 Events, Pulse rate events [Bradycardia, Tachycardia],
Recording time, Analysis time